Masters in Applied Intercultural Communication
TCD (Trinity College Dublin)
Online/Face to Face
This course provides participants with novel perspectives and methods for effective intercultural communication at work, strategic partnerships, inclusive leadership and global engagement. Our applied mode relies on the use of case studies to illustrate how intercultural communication works on the ground in global contexts. The programmes combine international case studies, student-led case studies and practical activities, based on the participants’ experiences. The applied focus is complemented by theory, research and practice-driven components, potentially linking African, Asian, Latin American and Caribbean, and Middle Eastern case studies to European and North American cultures and contexts. Students understand the concepts and models related to intercultural communication and learn how to apply Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) perspectives and digital literacy to develop equitable collaborations and partnerships with people from different backgrounds.
3 academic years (NFQ Level 9)
€ 9,800
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