Initiating Powerful Inclusive Conversations in the Workplace

We all know that one topic we want to talk about with our manager, but the fear of judgement holds us back. It is a taboo that slowly settles in our heads and keeps us trapped. Whether it’s about debt, menstrual problems, grief, racism, bullying, pay, or an endless list of other issues, we keep […]

Anti Racism Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide children with the opportunity to be creative, and share their knowledge and feelings on important topics, such as racism, discrimination, equality and reconciliation, through play and discussion! The toolkit is meant to help strengthen the collective action of families, organizations and the community at large, by providing […]

Re:flex: Etnische diversiteit in het onderwijs

‘Re:flex’ consists of 5 digital tours that help education professionals (to be) to install new reflexes around ethnic diversity in their classrooms. The self-guided tours (20-40 min) give you step-by-step insights and challenge you to think critically about your actions and thinking in the classroom or at school on both a group and individual level.

KlasCement: Leermiddelen

This Flamish (dutch) platform lists a number of class activities stimulating Diversity & inclusion for teachers. The content is free after creating an account.


Harness the power of creativity to celebrate your community and change the world with Anti-Racist Art Activities for Kids. Do you think, “I’m just a kid. What can I do to make a difference?” Be an anti-racist artist! Have fun with 38 creative projects that empower you to use your art, actions, and words to […]

Keep learning the Podcast: Diversity in the classroom, how do you deal with it?

Diversity in the classroom, how to deal with it? In eeducation, you have to deal with diversity among your target group on several levels. Cultural diversity, social diversity, ethnic diversity, diversity in talents and diversity in learning. This podcast discusses the catch-all term ‘diversity’. This podcast is in Dutch.

From Individual to inclusive education

Education and care are becoming increasingly intertwined in primary and secondary education. More and more children with youth care have to deal with other municipal agencies. There is a great emphasis on children’s individual well-being at school. And young people are quickly labeled if this well-being and performance is compromised. Curiously, studies show that in […]

How can we stimulate inclusion at school?

Too often, children are blamed for learning disabilities, observes education sociologist Orhan Agirdag. He explains that we need to look at the system. According to him, there are three different approaches to diversity in education: the assimilation approach, the colour-blind approach and the intercultural approach. Which one works best? What is still going wrong? And […]