Creating a sense of belonging

School Leaders & Administrators, Teaching Staff

60 Minutes

To foster a sense of belonging for LGBTQ+ staff by raising awareness and promoting inclusive language and behaviours, thereby creating a supportive and accepting workplace environment.

Presentations and reflections

Case scenario analysis

Understand the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ staff and develop strategies to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

Creating a sense of belonging


Handout with the scenario


Distribute handouts. Form groups of 3-4 participants. 


Read the following scenario and discuss the questions below with the group. 

Elena, a new staff member at a school who identifies as LGBTQ+, feels increasingly isolated and unsupported. She has noticed a lack of awareness and inclusive language among her colleagues. For example, during a team-building exercise, colleagues made jokes about gender and sexuality that left Elena feeling uncomfortable and excluded. When she tried to share her perspective in a staff meeting about inclusive language, she was met with awkward silence and quickly changed the subject. The school has no visible support groups or resources for LGBTQ+ staff, and there is little discussion about LGBTQ+ issues in professional development sessions. Elena’s attempts to address these concerns with her supervisor were met with indifference, and she was advised to “just focus on the job.” This environment has left Elena feeling that she cannot be her authentic self at work.

  1. What barriers to belonging does Elena face in this scenario?
  2. How can the school create a more inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ staff?
  3. What initiatives and practices can be implemented to raise awareness and foster inclusivity?

Select a spokesperson to present your findings in max. 7 min.


Spokespersons present their findings to the large group, and the facilitator moderates a discussion. Each group adds only new ideas, building on the previous contributions without repeating the same ideas.

Possible responses

1 What barriers to belonging does Elena face in this scenario?

  • Lack of awareness: Colleagues demonstrating a lack of understanding and awareness about LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Inappropriate language: Jokes and comments about gender and sexuality that make Elena feel uncomfortable and excluded.
  • Dismissive attitude: Elena’s concerns being met with indifference and a lack of support from her supervisor.
  • Absence of support: No visible support groups or resources for LGBTQ+ staff within the school.

2 How can the school create a more inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ staff?

  • Diversity training: Conducting training sessions focused on LGBTQ+ issues and inclusive language for all staff.
  • Support groups: Establishing visible support groups and resources specifically for LGBTQ+ staff.
  • Open dialogue: Encouraging open discussions about LGBTQ+ issues in staff meetings and professional development sessions.
  • Responsive leadership: Ensuring that school leaders are responsive and supportive when concerns are raised.

3 What initiatives and practices can be implemented to raise awareness and foster inclusivity?

  • Inclusive policies: Developing and implementing policies that explicitly protect lgbtq+ staff from discrimination.
  • Visibility campaigns: Creating visibility campaigns to highlight and celebrate lgbtq+ identities and contributions.
  • Ally training: Providing training for staff on how to be effective allies to lgbtq+ colleagues.
  • Regular feedback: Instituting regular feedback mechanisms to monitor the school’s climate and address any issues promptly.


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