Promoting equity in opportunities

School Leaders & Administrators, Teaching Staff

60 Minutes

Recognize the forms of systemic bias and discrimination in the workplace, Develop strategies to ensure fair and transparent processes in the selection for leadership roles.

Presentations and reflections

Case scenario analysis

Engage in self-reflection about their own biases and assumptions and analyze the role of institutional culture in perpetuating inequities,

Propose policy changes and steps to foster an equitable work environment, preventing bias in hiring, promotions, and professional development.

Promoting equity in opportunities


Handout with the scenario


Distribute handouts. Form groups of 3-4 participants. 


Read the following scenario and discuss the questions below with the group. 

At a secondary school, Mehmet, a highly qualified and dedicated teacher from a Turkish background, has been consistently overlooked for leadership roles and professional development opportunities. Despite his significant contributions, less experienced colleagues such as Hans and Claudia, who are native to the majority culture, are frequently chosen for these roles. Mehmet has applied for several leadership positions but has received vague feedback about not being a “good fit” for the roles. Meanwhile, Claudia, who started at the school just two years ago, has been promoted to a department head position. Mehmet has also noticed that professional development sessions often cater to the interests of the majority culture, neglecting topics that would benefit minority staff. This pattern of exclusion has left Mehmet feeling undervalued.

  1. What equity issues are present in Mehmet’s experience at the school?
  2. How can the school administration ensure equitable access to leadership roles and professional development opportunities?
  3. What steps can be taken to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all staff members?

Select a spokesperson to present your findings in max. 7 min.


Spokespersons present their findings to the large group, and the facilitator moderates a discussion. Each group adds only new ideas, building on the previous contributions without repeating the same ideas. 

Possible responses

1. What equity issues are present in Mehmet’s experience at the school?

  • Discriminatory practices: Selecting less experienced colleagues from the majority culture for leadership roles over Mehmet.
  • Vague feedback: Providing Mehmet with unclear reasons for his rejections, suggesting potential bias.
  • Biassed professional development: Offering sessions that cater to the interests of the majority culture, neglecting minority staff.


2. How can the school administration ensure equitable access to leadership roles and professional development opportunities?

  • Clear criteria: Implementing transparent selection criteria based on merit and qualifications, not cultural background.
  • Regular audits: Conducting audits of selection processes to identify and address biases.
  • Anonymous feedback: Establishing mechanisms for anonymous feedback to hold selection committees accountable.
  • Diversified programmes: Expanding professional development topics to include those relevant to all staff, especially minority backgrounds.

3. What steps can be taken to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all staff members?

  • Awareness training: Conduct unconscious bias training for all staff to raise awareness about these issues and their impacts.
  • Mentorship programmes: Create mentorship opportunities pairing experienced teachers with newer staff, regardless of background.
  • Diversity committees: Establish committees focused on diversity and inclusion to ensure these issues receive ongoing attention.
  • Regular feedback: Solicit and act on feedback from all staff about their experiences and needs to stay informed and responsive.


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