Thank you from the Leadership for Diversity Partnership

As the project ends, we thank everyone who collaborated with us over the past two years. Our mission has been one of perseverance in providing the best resources possible to leaders in the classroom. We understand that we must be inclusive of everyone in schools and intercultural communication is key.

Our first resource is The Leadership for Diversity Programme for Professional Development (PDP). It consists of a document to provide professional development opportunities to school leaders and personnel on inclusive leadership principles, strengthening their Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) awareness and intercultural competencies. Participants will be able to communicate with all the members of their school community efficiently.

The European Leadership for Diversity eHub is our second resource. It is a comprehensive digital inventory of teaching and learning resources for diversity, equity, inclusive leadership (DEI), and intercultural communication. The eHub is a valuable tool for the development of intercultural competence. From articles to podcasts, you will find different relevant subjects covered to help you be the best leader in a diverse setting.

We invite you to look over our useful resources and to join our Leadership for Diversity Discord Channel. This is a dedicated space designed to support and enhance your leadership journey towards more inclusive schools. Join to learn from peers and experts how to foster an inclusive environment in your school. Explore materials to improve your professional profile. Collaborate with other professionals in Europe to build inclusive schools. Have meaningful connections through interactive discussions. Apply your learning through debate with other professionals.

Thank you again for your support of the Leadership for Diversity project. Over the past two years, we have enjoyed sharing our resources and getting feedback from those who have looked at our collaboration on this essential subject. Our partnership hopes you will be curious and dive further into your school leadership skills. It takes a community to bring inclusion into diverse classrooms. The Leadership for Diversity resources will help you on this journey.

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