Ouders willen verbod op behandeling om ‘autistisch gedrag’ af te leren (Parents want ban on treatment to unlearn ‘autistic behaviour’)
Subject: Autistic behaviour in education https://nos.nl/artikel/2476389-ouders-willen-verbod-op-behandeling-om-autistisch-gedrag-af-te-leren
Team Leadership and Team Cultural Diversity: The Moderating Effects of Leader Cultural Background and Leader Team Tenure
Subject: effect of leader’s background on team. https://doi.org/10.1177/15480518211010763
De grote (on)gelijkmaker: onderwijs in een ongelijke samenleving – Louise Alfers (2023) – Inaugural speech (Faculty chair)
Subject: How education can contribute to already existing inequality in society through class division, financial- and knowledge capital differences. De grote (on)gelijkmaker – Onderwijs in een ongelijke samenleving – (Aula der Universiteit – Live) – 14-12-2023_001 (uva.nl)
Is that necessary, all this focus on diversity?
By Cordula Rooijendijk ‘Can’t we just trust our professionalism? Is it really necessary to pay extra attention to diversity?’ A headmaster asks me during a lecture I am giving on my latest book, ’15 lessons that primary schools of colour teach us.’ ‘Yes,’ her colleague adds, ‘for me, on the contrary, everyone is equal. I […]
Diversidad, Inclusión y Financiación, pilares clave para fomentar una educación inclusiva según expertos – EuropaPress, 2023
Guidelines for Inclusion and Diversity in School – British Council, 2010
Pascual Sevillano, García Rodríguez, Vázquez-Cano (2007) Atención a la diversidad y la inclusión en España. Sinética, 2007, doi: 10.31391/S2007-7033(2019)0053-011
Inclusive education in early childhood – World Organisation fo Early Childhood Education, February 2021
Inclusive education in early childhood – Margarita Cañadas
Diversity and Equity in Education: Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments- Europass Teacher Academy, October 2023
Diversity and Equity in School Leadership – Emerald Podcast series