Reflecting on your intercultural competence

30/45 minutes

  • Develop participants’ awareness of a broad range of cross-cultural skills, attitudes, and habits.
  • Help participants recognize and cultivate habits and mindsets that support effective cross-cultural communication.
  • Encourage participants to reflect on their own experiences with cross-cultural challenges and identify practical skills to enhance their intercultural competence.
  • Build an understanding of the difference between cross-cultural skills, attitudes, and habits, and explore ways to develop them through action.

Formative assessment, peer feedback and self-reflection

Interactive discussion, group activity and reflective practice.

  • Identify a range of cross-cultural skills, attitudes, and habits that contribute to effective cross-cultural communication.
  • Share personal experiences and examples of how these skills and habits have been or can be applied in diverse settings.
  • Recognize the importance of continuous practice and development of cross-cultural competencies.
  • Develop a personal action plan for cultivating the identified skills and habits to enhance their cross-cultural effectiveness.
  • Appreciate the significance of flexibility, acceptance of ambiguity, and sensitivity in cultural contexts, styles, and processes.

Reflecting on your intercultural competence


  • Printed quotes
  • Flipchart or whiteboard
  • Markers and pens
  • Handouts


  • Print out or prepare a selection of quotes related to cross-cultural habits and skills, preferably colorful and eye-catching, to hang around the room.
  • Flip chart or whiteboard to record participant responses.
  • Markers and pens for participants to write down key points.
  • Handouts summarizing the skills, habits, and attitudes covered in the discussion, with space for personal reflection.


– Introduction (5-10 minutes): Briefly introduce the purpose of the activity, the importance of cross-cultural competence, and the types of habits/skills that contribute to this competence.

– Discussion (15-20 minutes): Go around the room and invite each participant to share one personal habit or skill they believe will help them navigate cross-cultural differences effectively. Write each response on a flipchart or whiteboard.

– Elaboration (15-20 minutes): For each habit/skill shared, ask the participant to explain how it applies to real-life situations, or what challenges arise from lacking that skill. Encourage participants to offer examples from their own work or personal lives.

– Identification of Skills (10-15 minutes): Ask participants to categorize the identified skills into two groups: those that can be practiced through action and those that are more related to attitudes, mindsets, or habits. Discuss how these can be developed or changed over time.

– Wrap-up (5-10 minutes): Summarize the key points discussed and encourage participants to reflect on which skills they would like to develop further. Hand out reflective worksheets to guide personal action planning.


After the activity, encourage participants to share their thoughts on what they learned about cross-cultural skills, attitudes, and habits. Invite them to reflect on the discussion and how it might influence their approach to cross-cultural interactions in the future.

Possible Responses

  • “I realized I struggle with ambiguity in new environments, and I need to work on being more flexible.”
  • “It’s hard for me to adapt to different communication styles, but I see now that developing patience and openness will help me.”
  • “I’ve noticed that my habit of questioning everything helps me adapt quickly in cross-cultural situations.”

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