Leading Values (from the book “52 activities for exploring values differences” by Donna M. Stringer y Patricia A. Cassiday

School Leaders & Administrators

90–120 minutes (30 minutes for individual work; 30 minutes for small- group discussion; 30–60 minutes for debriefing and development of organizational action plans)

  • To recognize values as our personal motivators, giving meaning and purpose to our actions
  • To explore behaviors of leaders that inspire others to strive for excellence
  • To see how an organization can focus on shared values as a path to identifying leadership skills that will be most effective within the organization

Observation: Evaluate active participation and contributions during group discussions Written Reflection: Use questionnaires or feedback forms Group Debriefing: Facilitate a feedback session where participants discuss their experiences and learning, allowing the facilitator to evaluate the understanding and impact of the exercise.

Group Interaction: Participants work in small groups to discuss and analyze leadership styles and associated values, encouraging collaborative learning. Role Play: Participants write and share leadership values and behaviors, exploring how different values align with different leadership styles. Guided Debriefing: Facilitate discussions after the exercise to help participants connect theory to practice, allowing for deep reflection on personal and organizational values.

  • Align Values and Leadership: Understand how shared values can guide the identification and development of effective leadership skills within an organization.
  • Develop Reflection Skills: Improve the ability to reflect on their own values and behaviors, as well as those of leaders in their environment.
  • Foster Empathy and Understanding: Increase empathy and understanding for different leadership styles

Leading Values (from the book “52 activities for exploring values differences” by Donna M. Stringer y Patricia A. Cassiday

– In preparation for this activity, make a newsprint sheet for each of the leadership styles listed in the “Leadership Styles” handout. Write the style at the top of the page and post all four pages on the walls around the room. Provide each participant with a copy of the “Leading Values” list and five blank index cards.

– Ask participants to carefully review the “Leading Values” list and to identify the five most important values for them at work—those values that motivate them to quality performance. Instruct participants to write one of their five selected values on each index card. On the back of the card, ask them to also list three behaviors or actions that they assume a leader who held this same value would exhibit.

– Distribute the “Leadership Styles” handout, which also lists each style’s accompanying behaviors. Give participants time to study these lists to determine which of their cards should go with which leadership style.

– Tell participants that when they are ready, they are to tape each of their five values cards on the newsprint page of the leadership style that they believe would be most likely to exhibit the behaviors they have listed as demonstrating that value.

Note: Many values will “fit” under several of the leadership styles. The distinguishing factors are most likely to be the associated behaviors. For example, respect can be shown by a transactional leader taking care of your basic needs or by a situational leader including you in decision making. Vision can be shared through the chain of command by a transactional leader or collaboratively developed by a transformational leader. The facilitator will need to help participants make these types of distinctions as they decide where to place their values cards.

–  Ask participants to form four groups, with each group responsible for discussing one of the leadership styles. Each group will take the newsprint page associated with their assigned style along with the 3 × 5 values cards taped to it and discuss the behaviors and their underlying values as under their assigned style, using these questions as guides:

  • What themes emerge in either common values or common behaviors

expected from leaders using this style?

  • Are there any inconsistencies in either the values or behaviors

expected of this leadership style?

  • What type of employee (that is, what values or behavior

expectations) might this leadership style have difficulty in


–  Instruct the small groups to return to the larger group and ask each

small group to report the results of their discussion.


A copy of the ‘Leading Values List’ and ‘Leadership Styles Handout’ for each participant, a flipchart and marking pen, 5 index cards for each participant, Pens or pencils for participants and tape.

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