eHub Category: Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

This article highlights the need for inclusive practices that embrace interculturality both in formal education and the...

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This document acts as a practical tool designed to evaluate the level of inclusivity in educational institutions....

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This comprehensive guide offers practical strategies and theoretical insights for fostering inclusive education in schools. It provides...

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Luis Eduardo Rivas, speaks about his years at the forefront of educational institutions, with a particular focus...

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Too often, children are blamed for learning disabilities, observes education sociologist Orhan Agirdag. He explains that we...

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Did you know that: only 5% of the Flemish teaching workforce has foreign roots (mainly from neighbouring...

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This podcast series explores various aspects of diversity and inclusion, particularly in the educational context. It features...

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What if diversity was an opportunity for schools? In Paris, a CE2 class embarks on an adventure....

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Students create concept maps using Kidspiration software, focusing on various aspects of diversity in the classroom. They...

This video was created in the context of the “Intercultural Pedagogy” course of the Department of Education...

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