eHub Category: Videos

Luis Eduardo Rivas, speaks about his years at the forefront of educational institutions, with a particular focus...

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The activity presented by Stephanie Müllen Raymond is followed by an explanation of other types of biases...

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Through an activity and several examples, Stephanie Müllen Raymond, a professional in neuroscience and cognitive psychology, explains...

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In this video, Lera Boroditsky explores the field of cognitive science and explains how language shapes our...

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This is a tool with which you, with all parties in your partnership, determine how you view...

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Too often, children are blamed for learning disabilities, observes education sociologist Orhan Agirdag. He explains that we...

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Did you know that: only 5% of the Flemish teaching workforce has foreign roots (mainly from neighbouring...

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This team-building workshop is an engaging and transformative journey where together we discover the essential building blocks...

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Diversity and especially inclusion in the workplace offer huge opportunities and growth potential for organisations. Here, it...

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After briefly presenting the principles of cooperative pedagogy that allow structuring interactions between students, we will discuss...

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