Diversity & Inclusion Sentiment Mapping

School Leaders & Administrators, Teaching Staff

15-20 minutes

Enable participants to reflect on their feelings about diversity and inclusion.
Enhance self-awareness regarding personal biases and attitudes towards diversity and innovation in the school.
Gather initial perceptions of diversity and inclusion, informing the workshop’s direction.

Reflection, Observation and Discussion

Poster board/whiteboard, Active Individual Participation, Observations and Discussions

  • Increase their awareness of their feelings towards diversity and inclusion.
  • gains insights into the group’s diversity and inclusion sentiments, allowing for tailored session content.
  • understand and acknowledge diverse perspectives as crucial for fostering innovation and positive change in the school environment.

Diversity & Inclusion Sentiment Mapping

Participants are invited to express their feelings about diversity by placing a dot sticker  beneath the corresponding smiley (happy, neutral, or sad) on a flipchart/ whiteboard with the statement: ‘When I think about diversity and inclusion in our school, I feel…’, followed by the three smileys underneath this statement.

Before the session, prepare the large poster board or whiteboard by dividing it into three sections, each represented by one of the three emoticon faces (happy, neutral, sad). Ensure these icons are large enough to be seen from anywhere in the room.

Have enough coloured dot stickers available for all participants, ensuring there are different colours for each participant or group, if applicable.


– Start by introducing the activity to the group. Explain that the purpose is to explore individual feelings about diversity and innovation in the school without initiating a discussion at this point.
– Clearly state that each participant will have a maximum of 2 minutes to place a dot on the poster board that aligns with how they feel about diversity and innovation in the school – choosing from happy, neutral, or sad faces.
– Emphasise that after placing their dot, participants should briefly (in a sentence or two) explain why they chose that particular emotion. This can be done quietly to themselves or noted down if they wish.


– Inform participants that there will be no conversation or discussion during the dot placement round. This is to ensure everyone’s initial reactions are captured without influence.
– Mention that you, as the facilitator, will comment at the end of the round, aiming to tie together the various sentiments expressed into the session’s content.

Conducting the Activity:

– Invite participants one by one, or in small groups if the size of the gathering is large, to come up and place their dot on the poster board. Start the timer for 2 minutes per person or group to ensure the activity moves at a brisk pace.
– As participants place their dots, encourage them to reflect on the reasons behind their choice, acknowledging the diversity of experiences and perceptions within the room.

Facilitator’s Conclusion:

– Once all participants have placed their dots, take a moment to observe the overall distribution of emotions.
– Provide a brief summary of what you observe, noting any patterns or particularly diverse areas of sentiment without singling out any individuals.
– Use this as a segue to introduce the content of the session, highlighting how understanding and acknowledging diverse perspectives is crucial to fostering innovation in the school environment. Mention that the workshop will explore strategies to leverage this diversity for positive change.

Transition to Session Content:

– Explain how the feelings and reasons shared during this activity reflect broader themes and challenges related to diversity and innovation.
– Introduce the next part of the workshop, which may involve deeper discussion, learning activities, or strategies to address the sentiments raised in this initial mapping exercise.

Additional Notes for Facilitator:

– Ensure a supportive and respectful atmosphere, reminding participants that all feelings and opinions are valid.
– Be prepared to manage the emotional content sensitively, especially if any participants express negative feelings.
– Use the insights gained from this activity to tailor the session’s content to the participants’ experiences and expectations.

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