eHub Category: Spanish

The article “How Teacher Expectations Shape Students’ Experience in the Classroom” explores the profound impact that teachers’...

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Luis Eduardo Rivas, speaks about his years at the forefront of educational institutions, with a particular focus...

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The activity presented by Stephanie Müllen Raymond is followed by an explanation of other types of biases...

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Through an activity and several examples, Stephanie Müllen Raymond, a professional in neuroscience and cognitive psychology, explains...

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In this video, Lera Boroditsky explores the field of cognitive science and explains how language shapes our...

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Materials Printed quotes Flipchart or whiteboard Markers and pens Handouts Preparation Print out or prepare a selection...

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Materials Copies of The Form (as per instructions). Green-and-white index cards (for select participants). Flip chart or...

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This episode explores educational innovation through the integrated curriculum and highlights strategies for personalising and making education...

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In this episode, we discuss the neuropsychological differences between people with high abilities (AA. CC.) and those...

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