eHub Category: School Leaders & Administrators

School leaders and teaching staff draw different geometric shapes on sticky notes and attach them visibly on...

Participants begin by engaging with pre-assigned reading material (Van Wessum, L. (2023). Leadership for inclusive education. ESHA...

In this reflective and discussion-based activity, participants are first asked to individually delve into a set of...

Microaggressions are mostly everyday remarks, questions, behaviours that can be experienced as disrespectful, painful or harmful due...

The activity is based on the reflections on each participant’s identity. Following the model of the Diversity...

This activity consists of reviewing the main terms and concepts regarding Diversity and Inclusion. Facilitator’s guidelines: Divide...

The exercise is designed to gather and understand diverse perspectives and backgrounds of participants, which helps in...

Participants engage in a series of prompts requiring them to physically position themselves in relation to others...

Participants are invited to express their feelings about diversity by placing a dot sticker beneath the corresponding...